TURKU 25.1.2003

Junior Class (9-18 Month), Judge: Karl Reisinger, Austria
"Etw. kleine Kopf. Ziemlich große Ohren. Runde Lidsnitt. Etw. Kurze Hals mit Kehlhaut. Noch weiche Rücken. Haar etw. weich und teilwerse often getragen. Gut angesetzte Rute. Glerchmässige Bewegung."

Freely translated to English:
Pretty small head. Pretty big ears. Rounded eyelidpatterns. The neck a bit too short with neckhide. Too soft back. A bit too soft fur, partly with curls. Well placed tail. Well-proportioned movements.

Results: Very Good (EH)
SALO 8.6.2003

Junior Class (9-18 Month), Judge: Tiina Illukka, Finland
"Pienehkö narttu. Mittasuhteiltaan saisi olla lyhyempi. Kuono-osa voisi olla voimakkaampi ja ilme saisi olla parempi. Etuosa saisi olla parempi kulmautunut samoin luusto järeämpi. Runko kaipaa syvyyttä. Liikkuu hyvin."

Freely translated to English:
Smaller bitch. Could be shorter. Nose-parts could be stronger and the expression could be better. The front-parts could be better angulated as well as the bonestructure could be more powerful. The body needs depth. Moves well.

Results: Good (H)
KARJAA 6.7.2003

Junior Class (9-18 Month), Judge: Lilian Johnsson, Sweden
"Bra storlek, saknar utfyllnad i näsan, bra hals, rakställd skuldra, saknar förbröst, stark rygg, litet långt kors, ben o. fötter OK, rör sig bra bak, ngt marktrång fram."

Freely translated to English:
Good size, lacks filling in the nose, good neck, straight shoulder, lacks forbreast, strong back, a bit long croup, legs and feet OK, moves well from behind, a bit ground narrow from the front.

Results: Very Good (EH), she was placed 4th in her group
The Labrador Club's

The Club Show was organized by the Labrador Club and was held in Espoo. It's an unofficial Dog Show.
5 dogs/class was placed by English manners, the rest got a written judgement

Junior Class (12-18 Month), Judge: Lena Wiberg-Johansson, Sweden
"Söt tik av bra typ. Bra huvud & uttryck. Bra hals. Bra rygglinje. Ngt låg svans ansats. Tillräckligt vinklad fram. Bra kropp. Tillräcklig benstomme. Rör sig lätt. Bra päls."

Freely translated to English:
Cute bitch of good type. Good head & expression. Good neck. Good backline. A bit low tail set. Enough angled from the front. Good body. Enough bone structure. Moves lightly. Good fur.

Results: -
TURKU 25.1.2004

Intermediate Class (18-24 Month), Judge: Ms.Brenda Phillips, UK
"Nice head would pref. a little more strength for foreface. Little stuffy in shoulders. Nicely made body. Good hindquarters. Good coat."

Results: Very Good (EH)

Open Class (24 Month->), Judge: Mr Keith Wallington, UK
"Very good black bitch with good head. Short coupled. Good coat. Good turn of stifle. Good otter tail."

Results: Very Good (EH)